Thursday 1 December 2011

my life :D

this time , i want to tell you about my life now . my holidays now is filled with books . kdg-2 zana jog ngn kwn-2 zana kt kompleks belia dan sukan . kdg-2 men tennis , squash n badminton . best lhaa jugak . sometimes if i'm boring , i will study anything . hidupku skrg ta normal dah . ye lhaa , ak mcm ada dlm penjara . asyik kena kawal je . huh ==' ak nk kebebasan ~! tpi ta leyh jgk . thun dpn , ak kne bnyk belajar . no more facebook , no more blogging n no more websites :| hope sgt perubahan ak kli nim mndpt kebaikan :) bf diketepikan dulu , pelajaran diutamakn . i really want to score A's in PMR . i will prove it .i don't care about facebook , blogging or any websites , but now , i need to care about my studies :D okay guys , i need got to go :D bye ily so much ! :D

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