Sunday 10 July 2011

best dpt jumpe ZATI ngn FARAH :)

best gler aa ! first time dpt jumpe farah ngn zati . slme nim  kte org sllu chtting n walling-2 kt fb je . tpi skrg nim , kitorg face to face tuu . comel ngad farah ngn zati :) both of them are so cute  :) tpi diorg sorak untk pasukan len lhaa . zati untk pasukan BAKTI . farah , zana ta thu ???? =='mmg happy ngad zana dpt jupe diorg :) mse zana jupe zati tuu , zana tgor yer . zana cubit yer . hahaha . sbgai kngn . phtu zati pulop cubit zana kli g . HAISH ! ==' zana ad snap pic dgn zati ,  mse tu kitorg ddk br'sblahan :) tpi mse zana jupe farah , farah tgor zana dlu :) . kejot zana . mse zana nk llu om , ad oam pnggil zana . phtu zana pling , tgk-2 farah . then , zana snyum dkt dia :) dia ad nk tgkp gmbr ngn zana tpi mse tu zana lwat nk g solat so , ta leyh lhaa =='  sorry yer farah :) hahah xD btw , mmg best dpt jumpe dgn korg  . tadpe lhaa .  mls dh nk tulis :) ok bye  . ILOVEYOUBOTHOFYOU !  <3

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